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RMS / ISRM Membership (CIM Members Only)

$ 30.00


This is a Members-Only product. If you already have a CIM Membership, click the Log In button to login and initiate the purchase. If you want to become a CIM member, click the New Membership button and after completing your membership purchase, come back to this page again to buy this product.

The International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering  (ISRM) is a non-profit scientific association with over 8,000 members and 60 National Groups.

Member benefits include:

• Subscription to the ISRM Newsletter;

• Access to reserved content on the ISRM website such as online courses, download of Suggested Methods and Reports, Rock Mechanics lectures, videos, slide collection, etc.;

• Right to participate in the ISRM Commissions;

• Registration with a 20% discount in the ISRM Congress, International and Regional Symposia and Specialised Conferences;

• Personal subscription to the International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences at a discounted price;

• Personal subscription to the Journal Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering at a discounted price (see details);

• Free download of up to 100 papers per year from the ISRM Digital Library at OnePetro;

• Discount on purchases of CRC Press books;

• Subscription to the annual ISRM News Journal published in December, reflecting the activity of the ISRM during that year. 

Click here for the ISRM website

If you have any further questions regarding ISRM membership, please contact the ISRM National Group in your region.